
                                                     This Wholehearted Life

Do you long to feel joy in your everyday life?

Do you ever feel like your insides don’t match your outsides?     

Do you feel you ‘should’ be happy and fulfilled and wonder why you are not?

You aren't alone.  We can live a joyful and centered life with more connection between soul and role, deeper connection in our church community, with our true authentic selves showing up even in uncertain situations and with more resiliency to smack down the shame messages that steal joy . . because this life is a gift, let's get on with fully living!  

Using the tools and techniques developed by Dr. Brené Brown, you will cultivate your courage, compassion, and connection.  Through a highly experiential and personalized approach . . .

  • you will learn where you want to really show up in your life, leadership, and relationships and how this connects to your faith
  • how to develop daily practices and skills to empower you live wholeheartedly
  • how to live authentically, act courageously and be fully alive 

You can explore, experience and learn in a safe space what it means to live an authentic life by attending or hosting a Daring Way™ event such as a: 

  • Presentation 
  • Workshop
  • Retreat
  • Daring Way™  or Rising Strong Intensive

Some people want to focus more deeply and find one-on-one coaching most helpful.